Student life

Student activities at Kampus Hybernská are supported or directly organized by the Studentská Hybernská initiative, which runs the Student House, a place where student clubs and initiatives can meet to work on their project, or organize talks or workhops. These associations are typically focused on such topics as equal opportunities, climate change, minority rights – or simply on the many facets of student life in Prague.


Science and innovation

We connect knowledge across scientific disciplines and build bridges between academia and society. Kampus Hybernská thus serves as a breeding ground for interdisciplinary projects with a positive impact on our lives.

We want to use the interdisciplinary expertise and diverse perspectives of the Charles University environment to address global and local challenges.

We want to be a catalyst for innovation, enabling the translation of academic knowledge into practice and encouraging public engagement in research and development.


Mentální trénink: Meditační workshop

D.1 Sál

Mezinárodní workshop: Visual Literacy 4EU+

A.3 Patro
View the full program


Where to put the things you don't need? Bring them to the Gratis Market

Where to put the things you don't need? Bring them to the Gratis Market

Since October, the Gratis Market swap corner has been open in Building B. It was founded by Charles University in cooperation with Studentská Hybernská initiative and is primarily intended for students. The project works on the principle of "take what you need, bring what you don't need" and is self-service.

MEDITACE PRO FAKULTU pod záštitou Centra péče o duši UK

MEDITACE PRO FAKULTU pod záštitou Centra péče o duši UK

Srdečně zveme všechny studenty, zaměstnance a zájemce z řad veřejnosti k otevřené meditaci na půdě Filozofické fakulty. Společně vytvoříme prostor pro vědomé ztišení a meditaci v rámci pokračujícího léčebného procesu po prosincových tragických událostech.

Jak funguje Evropská unie? Před volbami je fajn to vědět!

Jak funguje Evropská unie? Před volbami je fajn to vědět!

Za měsíc se konají volby do Evropského parlamentu, které mohou zásadním způsobem ovlivnit evropskou politiku na následujících pět let. Změní se nejen Evropský parlament, ale také Evropská komise a Evropská rada. Znáte rozdíl mezi těmito institucemi? Rozumíte tomu, jak funguje v Evropské unii předkládání a schvalování legislativy? Znáte rozdíl mezi směrnicí, nařízením či doporučením? Přijďte na diskuzi 6. 5. od 19:00!

Které studentské spolky budou mít v Kampusu sdílené kanceláře?

Které studentské spolky budou mít v Kampusu sdílené kanceláře?

Studentská Hybernská už podruhé realizovala open-call pro studentské sdílené kanceláře, které se bezplatně nabízí v prostorách Kampusu Hybernská. Výběrová komise ve složení zástupců Studentské Hybernské, rektorátu a Akademického senátu UK vybrala spolky, které budou kanceláře obývat na následující tři semestry.

About the initiative

Almost every student project that has an interesting idea for an event will be given space in Studentská Hybernská - if there is space and time. However, we have several dramaturgical lines that play a primary role in our work. These lines are:

  • Media and Political Literacy - The world is changing and we need to reflect this. We are interested in traditional media as well as the digital world, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, and we regularly organise debates on elections and additional programmes on politics. We try to map the Czech scene and give insight into what is happening in other countries around us.
  • Equal opportunities - Why don't we all have the same rights and opportunities? We focus on LGBTQ+ issues as well as feminist issues or minorities in general. Under equal opportunities we also include social issues, structurally disadvantaged groups who do not have the same opportunities as others. For example in education.
  • Sustainability and environmental issues - Scientific predictions make it clear that the planet is warming and we must respond to prevent destruction. Other concepts are related to this: we are interested in both sustainability and non-growth. We give space in the debate to all currents of opinion on how to save the planet.
  • Our health - A fundamental topic that is somewhat cross-cutting with respect to the topics above. All of the above, whether it's exacerbated social networks, frustration with unequal opportunity, or the climate crisis, clearly affect us young people in our mental health. That's why we need to think about it nowadays and not forget about the physical.

Thanks to these lines, we are better able to connect and unite our agenda. However, we do not rely on them hundred percent and appreciate every interesting digression! Just be careful: our events should be academic, popular or cultural and must be impartial. For example, political party events are clearly off-limits. Other exceptions are for discussion with student coordinators. They reserve the right to refuse an event in extreme cases.

The program of Studentská Hybernská is co-funded by the European Union in 2023 through the European Solidarity Corps grant programme. In it, we focus on sustainability issues and their popularisation.

Do you want to cooperate?

Are you a student or a student association, project or initiative and would you like to use our space for free? Here's how to do it. Before we get to it, though, it's important to know that the public events calendar always closes on the 20th of the previous month (so, for example, we close the calendar for January on December 20). We always need to keep this in mind and plan events with us well in advance. You can read more about our programme above. For public events, we offer our promotion options through Kampus Hybernská and Studentská Hybernská channels.

However, for private events, which we do rather rarely due to lack of capacity, it is the other way around: they are arranged on the 20th of the month at the earliest for the following month (e.g. on January 20 we arrange private events for February).

How to arrange an event in Studentská Hybernská:

  • Send an e-mail on: Your e-mail should contain the following information:
    • Title of the event and a short annotation
    • Preferred date of the event and time frame (from preparation to the end of the event)
    • Expected number of people (and whether it is public, invite-only, or private)
    • What is needed (data projector, microphone, sound equipment, extra chairs...)
    • Which association/organization/initiative is it (and which faculty, if any, is sponsoring it)
    • Contact person responsible (e-mail, phone)
  • You can also request to book a specific space available at Studentská Hybernská. A list of these can be found in the section Space offer. If the space is already occupied, we will try to place you in another space that will also meet your requirements.
  • We will discuss the rest in e-mails.
  • You can look forward to a pleasant space and we will look forward to seeing you!

Our space offer

B.1 Sál

Examples of use: lectures, discussions, author readings, film screenings

Capacity: 40 persons

Equipment: canvas, speakers, microphones, cables

B.1 Cowork

Examples of use: conferences, workshops, internal events, gaming, team events

Capacity: 20 persons

Equipment: projector, speakers, cables, reducers, curtains, office supplies, flipchart

E.-1 Sklep

Examples of use: film screenings, discussions, panels, lectures, workshops, literary readings, small concerts

Capacity: 40 seats

Equipment: projector, screen, speakers, cables, reducers, microphones, air conditioning, dishes

E.-1 Výstavní loď

Examples of use: large exhibitions, standing concerts

Capacity: 100 standing places

B.0 Garáž

Examples of use: small exhibitions, swaps, fleas, happenings

Capacity: 50 standing places

Student associations

These associations have shared offices in Kampus Hybernská on the basis of a public open-call. The following line-up is chosen for the calendar year 2023. The open-call takes place once a year and is open to societies, projects and initiatives related to the Charles University.


Czechmag je online platforma mapující hlubiny české kultury. Přináší nejen informace o aktuálním dění z oblastí témat jako kulturní akce, hudba, umění, móda, architektura, literatura a další, ale také hlubší analýzy a komentáře k různým kulturním fenoménům. Díky svému zaměření na alternativní kulturu a mladé umělce se stal platformou pro prezentaci nových talentů a projektů na české, potažmo slovenské scéně. Cílem projektu je poskytovat kvalitní a inspirativní obsah pro všechny, kteří se zajímají o současnou českou kulturu a její alternativní proudy.

Iniciativa filmových studií

Spolek studentstva Katedry filmových studií FFUK, který poskytuje studentskou platformu pro vzdělávání a popularizaci témat z oblasti audiovize a kulturní publicistiky. Za tím účelem pořádají zejména každoroční mezinárodní studentský filmový festival Zlatý Voči, ale také menší akce, přednášky a debaty přístupné veřejnosti. Díky neustále se měnící členské základně se IFS s časem zaměřuje na různá aktuální témata problematická pro mladé zájemstvo v audiovizi.


Otevřená umělecká platforma. Na scéně mají místo tvůrci poezie, prózy, hudby, divadla nebo i dalších uměleckých forem - kreativitě se meze nekladou. Snažíme se každý první pátek v měsíci poskytovat bezpečný prostor pro sebevyjádření, experiment, zpětnou vazbu a dialog. Vítáme autory tvořící dlouhodobě i úplné nováčky - nakonec takové setkávání může být podnětné pro všechny.

Mater Nostra

We are a collective of students whose common goal is to create a safe, open, inclusive and solidarity-based environment at the Faculty of Law of Charles University, free from discrimination of any kind. Our association is based on the idea of mutual support of students and their self-education. We want to actively act in support of human rights, including social, economic and environmental ones, as well as animal rights. Furthermore, we want to spread awareness of law in its wider social context, with particular attention to its environmental, feminist and socio-economic contexts. We are also aware of our social responsibility and want to spread awareness of the law in society and develop the third role of the university, that is, its service to society, which is an integral part of its status alongside education and research.

Společnost pro kognitivní vědu

The Society for Cognitive Science aims to popularize the scientific study of the mind and to connect university students and the general public with leading figures in research and practice. We offer regular lectures that are coupled with student internship opportunities, and we also seek to popularize the latest discoveries in the field on social media. By disseminating scientific findings to as many people as possible, including students, researchers and the general public, and by creating a platform for networking between students, professionals and other organisations, we hope to help improve understanding of the mind and mental health.

Zvol si info

This is a team of young, active and entrepreneurial people interested in current affairs, media, misinformation and other related topics. We like to learn new things, develop our lecturing skills and most of all pass on our knowledge. We use education to combat misinformation and other pitfalls of the digital world. We are “Zvol si info” (Choose the info) and we improve media literacy in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Zeptejte se Studenta

“Zeptejte se studenta” (Ask the Student) is an association of students who popularise law and try to bring the basics of legal science closer to the general public drowning in an inhospitable sea of paragraphs. As part of their activities, students from the association answer curious questions, write articles, make videos, teach high school students, organize lectures, and more. They bond over a passion for law, so you'll often hear them debating legal standards. Join the debate yourself!


WeFFUK is an association of students of Czech language and literature. We try to bring together those interested in Bohemian Studies and give space to young authors at our events. We organise readings and other events with literary themes, which are attended not only by our students but also by the wider public. Our aim is to provide a platform for young authors and to present Czech language and literature from different perspectives.


Stužák is a platform of student associations and organizations that brings together university students of various humanities disciplines (political science, sociology, law, economics) who organize educational workshops and interactive games for high school students. The series of educational activities aims to complement the teaching in secondary schools, to develop critical thinking and to increase the interest of students in various topics such as politics, media and history.

Studentské listy

Studentské listy is an independent student-oriented media run exclusively by students. We are not backed by any media company and we live off the support of our readers, which makes us unique in the Czech media environment. We are a project of high school and university students from all over the Czech Republic.

Studenti IKSŽ

The Students of IKSŽ association organizes mainly lectures and workshops, primarily focused on the Czech media space. As students, we often try to connect the academic environment and informal affairs. The members of our association are students of the Institute of Communication Studies of the Charles University, which allows us to organize various informal events, such as parties or sports outings. These events serve to connect students with the specialisations at our institute and also to improve student life. We also organize various other informal activities that contribute to making our student community feel connected.

safe space kolektiv

safe space, the feminist collective of the UK, is a university collective based on the ideas of intersectional feminism - ideas related to equality, solidarity and social and ecological justice. The collective seeks to raise awareness of these issues by sharing expertise and experience through educational lectures, workshops, conferences and other events, with an emphasis on connecting feminist-minded collectives. Once a month, safe space kolektiv organizes Gender Friday, a discussion evening on a selected feminist topic. In addition to disseminating know-how, the membership of the collective also promotes mutual support and solidarity, especially among students. They do so at informal events (e.g. safe Thursday, book club, sing-alongs) or every year at the Feminist Camp (a week of learning and making new friends).

Proč jsme to nenahlásili (NA*HLAS association)

The “Proč jsme to nenahlásili” (Why We Didn't Report It) initiative (NA*HLAS association) is a collective of 7 students from different disciplines and universities that has been working on the issue of sexualised violence since 2020. Our activity consists of detabuizing and educating the public through our social networks (@procjsmetonenahlasili), as well as working on different projects and organizing public events. We are also currently working on two professional research projects through which we want to further contribute to the debate and awareness of the prevalence and severity of the situation in the country.

Potřebnej počítač

“Potřebnej počítač” (Computer Needed) is a non-profit initiative that was created in 2020 in response to the lack of computers for online learning during the pandemic. The initiative collects old computers, cleans them, repairs them, upgrades them, and then distributes them to those who can use them to help with their education or job search. Children, the elderly, the socially disadvantaged or refugees.

Politika nejen pro mladé

“Politika (nejen) pro mladé”(Politics (not only) for young people) is a group of students who try to introduce and explain current events to young people and their broader context, thus awakening their interest in what is happening around us. The project started as an instagram account of two people, but has grown into other social networks, live events and Europe-wide competitions. It has been nominated for the Křišťálová Lupa Award, for example, or won second place in the European Parliament's pan-European competition, the Charlemagne Prize. Now the team consists of over twenty enthusiasts who report on important events every day and put the most important ones in a context that helps (not only) young people to navigate the sometimes complex issues of today's world.


Charlie - the queer association of Charles University - offers students and academics of Charles University and other universities, as well as their friends and supporters, a platform for self-realization, meeting, fun and solving common problems. It focuses primarily on developing the social life of LGBTQ+ people. It seeks to bring different people together and change the often stereotypical view of queer people, creating a more diverse academic and non-academic life for all those who throw away any prejudices and are willing to enjoy new opportunities for activities not only on university grounds. Charlie organises a range of regular and special events and works with a number of other societies and organisations. Charlie is a member of PROUD and internationally also The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Youth & Student Organisation (IGLYO).

What can you find in Kampus Hybernská?

We connect science, culture, innovation and community

Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education
Science, Innovation and Education

lectures, debates, courses

Music and theatre
Music and theatre
Music and theatre

concerts, jam sessions, theatre performances, improvisation

Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects
Exhibition spaces and projects

exhibitions and openings, guided tours, art workshops

Film and literature
Film and literature
Film and literature

literary evenings, author readings, book launches, film screenings, pub quizzes, debates


circular and sustainable activities, handicraft workshops


Didaktikon is a popularization and educational center of the Charles University, which was created in cooperation with Kampus Hybernská and the capital city of Prague. This is a place designed for all who are interested in an informal approach to education.

HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie
HYB4 Galerie

In both exhibition spaces (A.1 HYB4 Galerie and C.0 HYB4 Galerie) we present works by both established and emerging artists and artists.

Invitations by e-mail

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