Společná akce Českého egyptologického ústavu Filozofické fakulty UK a HYB4 Galerie Kampusu Hybernská propojuje staroegyptské texty a současné výtvarné umění. Projekt vedený docentem Jiřím Janákem navazuje na výzkum staroegyptského náboženství a vychází z nových překladů a interpretací původních pramenů.
Welcome to the centre of culture, innovation, art, science and education in the heart of Prague! Kampus Hybernská is a joint project between the City of Prague and the Charles University aimed at exploring new ways of cooperation. Students, artists, scientists, researchers, innovators, and the general public meet here to enrich each other and form new relations and projects, or just to enjoy the cultural program.
Since October, the Gratis Market swap corner has been open in Building B. It was founded by Charles University in cooperation with the Studentská Hybernská initiative and is intended primarily for students. The project works on the principle of "take what you need, bring what you don't need" and is self-service.
Kampus Hybernská offers a lots of activities and spaces. One of them is also a studio in Building D, which can also be rented to work on photographic projects. There are different types of background, light or reflective and diffused surfaces available.
Didaktikon is a popularization and educational center of the Charles University, which was created in cooperation with Kampus Hybernská and the capital city of Prague. This is a place designed for all who are interested in an informal approach to education.