The association focuses on deepening multidisciplinary and multisectoral cooperation in the implementation of the SMART concept as a basic principle of sustainable development. It is dedicated to advising and organising activities in the field of cooperation between the academic and public sectors, especially in the area of smart specialisation.
The team uses its own expertise in AI to create a positive impact on academia and on interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration. Their vision is to make the most of the potential here and turn Prague into a European AI hub.
This productive think tank focuses on organising activities in the field of development of cooperation between different sectors. It uses foresight or evidence-based policy methods.
The star spin-off of Charles University has produced a number of important didactic games on topics ranging from history to ecology. In Kampus it has mainly utilised the possibility of collaboration in the use of game principles in the activities of Charles University or the city.
The consulting and advisory company CIRAA helps to introduce sustainability into companies and their operations, educate employees in this area or organise sustainable events.
The gallery supports Czech and Slovak landscape art and strives to be a suitable environment for dialogue over art not only for established artists and professionals, but also for students and the general public.
The Circular Economy Institute is a partner for companies and the public sector in putting circular solutions into practice. Thanks to its research and data, it is able to promote sustainable solutions also at national level.
Similar to AI for kids, Aignos is also focused on AI education. They want to develop the skills of (not only) children to better position themselves in the job market and to facilitate the activities of everyday life.
The Artivist Lab is an art laboratory where exhibitions, discussions, lectures and workshops are held. It focuses mainly on political art, artivism and current social issues. It hosts Czech and international artists and gives space to those who cannot exhibit in their home countries because of their activities.
The mission of the association “AI dětem” (AI for kids) is to collaborate on educational activities in the field of artificial intelligence with primary and secondary schools. They particularly appreciate the networking opportunities with target groups and coordination with the activities of Charles University (not only) at Kampus Hybernská.
The organizers of the largest futuristic event in Europe (Future Port Prague) are focusing on promoting interdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation in the field of creative economy.
In the Library of Things, everyone can borrow what they need for a small fee, so they don't have to own it. You can also drop by for an upcycling workshop or other sustainable event.
At urbiq, they focus on connecting innovators with representatives of the City of Prague and its districts in the field of strategic urban development. They also emphasize citizen engagement and the digital and easy-to-understand presentation of city strategies.
The editorial office of the literary-cultural magazine revue Prostor organizes literary evenings in HYB4 Čítárna and provides a library called Rekomando in Kampus Hybernská. It strives for a rich conceptual, aesthetic diversity, connecting authors and audiences of different generations, worldviews and spiritual currents.
Exhibitions which may be smaller in size but large in terms of social impact. Organized by students in the Garage and the Basement of building E.
The Research Centre at the Institute of German Literature was founded in 2015 and is named after Professor Kurt Krolop (1930 - 2016), one of the world's most prominent figures in the field of literary history.
The Soul Care Centre combines spiritual accompaniment, counselling and therapy. It organizes interactive courses, discussion platforms, public lectures, seminars and other events in this field. It offers care for the inner life, resilience, value orientation and interpersonal relationships. The Centre is embedded in the life and structures of Charles University. It is trans-denominational and interfaith, and cooperates with secular initiatives in the area.
The Centre for Holocaust Studies and Jewish Literature was established in 2010 at the Institute of Czech Literature and Comparative Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Its aim is to study literature related to the Shoah/Holocaust and Jewish culture in the Czech lands and Central Europe.
The network aims to connect research and academic institutions with authorities and service providers, facilitate collaborative research, and develop lectures, training, internships and educational and training materials to equip future generations of researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs with appropriate skills.
Lab is push forward by a team of young students from the field of theoretical psychology, but we dabble in neuroscience, and computer science and we are are committed to advancing our understanding of how humans interact with virtual environments, and how we can use this knowledge to improve real-world outcomes.
The popularization and educational platform Library of Languages / Knihovna řečí (LoL) aims to spread awareness of the so-called small languages, to promote their disciplinary and non-disciplinary study at Charles University and to develop their quality, and to further stimulate the professional careers of students and graduates with unique linguistic competences.
Výzkumná skupina Theology & Contemporary Culture zkoumá bohaté dědictví teologických myšlenek, které dřímají ve světě ovládaném médii/technologiemi. Při tom se také snaží pochopit, co to znamená a co už neznamená být člověkem v současné evropské a globální kultuře.
The Institute of Classical Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University is one of the most important institutions in the Czech Republic specialising in the ancient period, especially in its material form.
BYRO is an initiative founded by people from public administration for those who want to move Czech public administration forward. It focuses on supporting innovation, digital transformation and the development of equal opportunities. It offers a platform for meeting, sharing experiences, learning and mentoring. It emphasises collaboration and mutual support between officials to overcome barriers and improve the functioning of public administration for citizens.
We are currently at full capacity for the spaces we can offer to residents. Keep an eye on our website and other communication channels where we will let you know when we are selecting new projects and organizations to help us meet our vision and goals.